Well what else can I say about this but ......... Cool Beans ....... Sabit is the Japanese term for "best part of the song" or "the hook" a Japanese streetwear collection inspired by the phiolosophy of Tanoshinde the Japanese word for enjoy, which I am right now. Nice work fellas.
Well its me Mr. Dissimilar himself, the guy who thinks every one is entitled to their own (O-Pen-Yawn) no matter how right or wrong they may be.~LOL~ I am attracted to nice things: from shoes, hats, coats, to music. I like what I like and can care less if you think its cool. Phuck wit me
the style is hot. and the pics r dope. nice post
[check my blog out @ alliefarout.blogspot.com]
Preciate it Allie, was digging the doughnut post on your blog as well...lol
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