So I was in Ontario,Ca walking though the mall, got bored really quickso it was time to go especially since the lady in the Nike store wasn't co-operating with letting them Air Max 95's go for cheaper than that damn computer said they were....LMAO.... I mean they didn't have a tag so I was hoping she was gonna be cool.....guess not she was like that will be $100. Well not this time 95's but I will be back. Back to the story, so as I was leaving the mall I saw a shopping center close by and decided to drive by and see what was popping as you can see the sun was shining on this spot like come in come in come in....LOL....don't mind if I do I said.
Once I got inside here I got over those 95's real quick...Alife's check, Blazers check, Shoes with Straps checkkkkkkkkk. Now give me everytinnnnnng in a 9.5 sir.....hahaha.....No serious give me that, give me that, matter fact give me the whole damn rack.
They had a variety of goodies in this joint: Tees, sweaters, jeans, shorts, fitteds and all. It was a lil bigger than most boutiques because it had other things as well like dress clothes and urban gear. So it was something for the entire family in this store. 501's for 35 bucks that was a steal in it self. If you ever in Ontario holla at Mike he will look out for ya, tell him the pics from Ray Blog brought ya there.....hahaha.
=] that's whats up!! nice find
Yes it was....
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