Yeah I feel just like the lil kid in the picture above. First off I'm traveling on a SATURDAY for work which always suck because you more than likely you already have 40 hours so this is all OVERTIME. Then there are no Delta flights available for the times I need to travel so my dreams of First Class are ruined. This is fine though no big deal we will just take this Continental flight and make due right???...ummm No this is where the problems begin. So I usually arrive to the airport an hour before my flights leave to have ample time to check in and make it to my gate, well today everybody and there mama decides to fly Continental, so with me being there an hour early I still barely make my plane and I mean barely as I walking up the lady is calling LAST CALLS....whewww I made it only to find out they stuck your boy in the MIDDLE seat between Mr. I like to make new friends and discuss my life history and Mrs. Today's my birthday and me and 1000 friends are headed to Las Vegas for Spring Break faceass. So needless to say I got nooooooooo sleep on this flight. Now the adventure begins. Just yesterday I was discussing with my girl how Houston has the worst layout possible for connecting flights, how long the hallways were, and far away the terminals are from one another.

I had to get from terminal E15 to B70 in 20 mins. Not to mention that there is no helpful technology for speeding up this process even the little moving flat escalator thing's were broke in this great establishment. So after running through the pasture, climbing two mountains, and swimming across a creek I finally make it to the stairwell that leads me to the train for terminal B. I jump on and sprint to the gate just in time to see the plane backing out...NOOOOOOOO now what because I was on a strict time schedule check me out. It's the weekend and the city that I'm traveling to is smaller than your neighborhood wal-mart so everything closes at 5 today. I purposely took the flights that I did to make sure I made it to the airport before the Car Rental place closes and I'm stranded in Mayberry. So the manager on duty goes to the computer and smirks telling me the computer already calculated that I would miss my flight and booked me on the next flight out 3 hours from now. WHATTTT so you telling me they know this place is fucked up and just scheduled me another flight because they knew it was impossible to make it that's the BULLSHIT. Now I will not make it to the airport in time to get my rental car. Which will now make me have to cancel my hotel reservation and make me late for work tomorrow can this trip get any worse. YES but of course it can lets continue, ---> 3 hours later I finally board the plane and make it to my destination only to find out my luggage seems to have grown two legs and walked away. ((((Screaming)))) You can't be serious man, I was waiting for somebody to just jump out and say you've been PUNK'D this is all a joke and my friends come out running after me with Ashton laughing and shit. After waiting on some help for 30 mins the lady went in the back and magically found my belongings if not I was going to be stuck in Mayberry with only a book bag full of socks and boxer briefs from my carry on. Now back to this horrible day, remember that the city shuts down at 5 well guess who also shuts down with everything else you guessed it Taxi's and Cabs now I'm stuck at the Airport of Mayberry literally. One of the soldiers who was on the plane with me was nice enough to give me a lift to the hotel where I was giving a room to end this day of chaos, only the receptionist gives me the wrong room key when will this nightmare end. At least the hotel is new, get in my room to only fight with cable and internet for 30 mins this blog post had to be written. I'm bout go to sleep before something else happens...outtie people... next time your day is going shitty just remember Ray's been there and I feel your pain.

I had to get from terminal E15 to B70 in 20 mins. Not to mention that there is no helpful technology for speeding up this process even the little moving flat escalator thing's were broke in this great establishment. So after running through the pasture, climbing two mountains, and swimming across a creek I finally make it to the stairwell that leads me to the train for terminal B. I jump on and sprint to the gate just in time to see the plane backing out...NOOOOOOOO now what because I was on a strict time schedule check me out. It's the weekend and the city that I'm traveling to is smaller than your neighborhood wal-mart so everything closes at 5 today. I purposely took the flights that I did to make sure I made it to the airport before the Car Rental place closes and I'm stranded in Mayberry. So the manager on duty goes to the computer and smirks telling me the computer already calculated that I would miss my flight and booked me on the next flight out 3 hours from now. WHATTTT so you telling me they know this place is fucked up and just scheduled me another flight because they knew it was impossible to make it that's the BULLSHIT. Now I will not make it to the airport in time to get my rental car. Which will now make me have to cancel my hotel reservation and make me late for work tomorrow can this trip get any worse. YES but of course it can lets continue, ---> 3 hours later I finally board the plane and make it to my destination only to find out my luggage seems to have grown two legs and walked away. ((((Screaming)))) You can't be serious man, I was waiting for somebody to just jump out and say you've been PUNK'D this is all a joke and my friends come out running after me with Ashton laughing and shit. After waiting on some help for 30 mins the lady went in the back and magically found my belongings if not I was going to be stuck in Mayberry with only a book bag full of socks and boxer briefs from my carry on. Now back to this horrible day, remember that the city shuts down at 5 well guess who also shuts down with everything else you guessed it Taxi's and Cabs now I'm stuck at the Airport of Mayberry literally. One of the soldiers who was on the plane with me was nice enough to give me a lift to the hotel where I was giving a room to end this day of chaos, only the receptionist gives me the wrong room key when will this nightmare end. At least the hotel is new, get in my room to only fight with cable and internet for 30 mins this blog post had to be written. I'm bout go to sleep before something else happens...outtie people... next time your day is going shitty just remember Ray's been there and I feel your pain.

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