Perception [per-sep-shuhn]v - The act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
In the last segment of Dissimilar Thoughts I told you lately I have been noticing a lot of negativity from you bloggers that has given me ideas for my clothing line,"side note been making some big time networking moves on the behalf of this more to come" though it has sparked wonderful ideas for something I deem positive, it still kind of startles me. Well after thinking it over I believe its more your perception and then the urge to act on it before gathering more information that irks me. We tend to speak negatively about things that we don’t understand. Not saying necessarily that you don’t have a right to voice your opinion, because we here at Dissimilar Lifestyle would like nothing more of you than to “HAVE THAT RIGHT AND EXPRESS IT” but gather your information before you just start blabbing off at the mouth. What one perceives is a result of interplay between past experiences, including one’s culture, and the interpretation of the perceived. If the perception does not have support in any of these previously stated bases it is unlikely to rise above the perceptual threshold. So is it possible to perceive something that you have no past experience with/of? Just a random question, will not take this any further just think about it though!!!
One conversation piece that I have had one too many times over the last month is Music preference. How many of us know Radric Davis better known as Gucci Mane, well he kind of hot right now, so everybody want to criticize his music but if they phone ring it probably has the “Wasted”ringtone…haha. 1st off I am not trying to take up for his lyricism but I would have to say that people are going to listen to music that they can relate to 7 times out of 10 the other 3 are going to listen to the most (RT #MM) for the none twitters that would be the most popular artist for music Monday. Other words listening to who they are told is hot and they just believe it. Gucci can’t rap about things that he didn’t witness or was exposed too. So when he raps about Drugs, Money, Women, Cars, and Jewelry guess how many more people feel him. Enough to make him #6 on MTV nuff said. Basically you could not listen to him and not change a thing or keep complaining and well NOT CHANGE A THING. You would be amazed at how many people down south wouldn't give Lupe, Big Sean, or even Wale a chance because they just can't relate. I see it every time I go home, they look at me like I am crazy for my taste in music. Didn't start listening to different types of music really until I moved away....TRUE STORY
On to the next subject, why do we as a human race tend to feel threaten when we are not confident in what we do. When others are doing the same thing we have to find a way to feel emperor. So instead of stepping up our game we just try to bash the next person. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just put that wasted time into perfecting your craft? I hear a lot of bloggers crying about now a day’s everybody blogging, over and over and over forgive me if I’m wrong but you didn’t create this shit did you? Ok well make your blog something that will make people want to read it over the next blog then your problem is solved. That goes for whatever you do, making music, designing clothes, burning cd’s shit making a grille cheese if you make grille cheese’s and your roommate try to make a grille cheese you let him know you better at that shit….LOL
Man these last couple of weeks have been so crazy for me, if you know me or visit the blog frequently you would see I love to listen to music of all sorts. I have been getting a music overload as of late. Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne, XV, Wale, Mike Posner, Melanie Fiona…and the list goes on so I have been riding to something different everyday loving every second of it.
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