So I get back on that bird heading to the west coast for the 1,000,000th time this year, board the plane and go straight to sleep. Wake up an hour and a half later only to notice that we are still sitting in the same location. WHAT THE HELL, beginning of a long day, my travel turned into a 16 hour musical chair event. Plane delayed in Orlando due to weather in Atlanta to airport layover when I get to Atlanta to gate changes every 5 mins---Murphy's Law--- you name it and it happened. You can just imagine the content of emotion on the ANGRY passengers mind. Cursing under and over their breath, badgering the gate agents and causing all type of rukus. Within all of this madness I met this nice little lady, which within all this madness was so come and high spirited. As we conversed I started to complain about how long my day was and how after I landed I still had an hour drive to make it to my final destination. She bust my bubble so quick, telling me how petty my concerns and complaints were and that I should just be quite "in so many words" come to found out she was just leaving her fathers funeral, still in her black dress. So all of this confusion, hustling, and bustling around was mere child's play to her problems. She was just thankful to be here and have another day of life. She said if god wanted to stir up a little storm, let him do his job and she would do her job of holding on to that chair....lol.....I thought that was pretty funny and it hit home because it reminded me of something my MOM would have said. I said this to say in life, people are in such a rush to get somewhere that if god left it up to us, we probably wouldn't even be prepared to do anything when we made it. In my quest to start my clothing line, I have ran into a couple of speed bumps but it seems like every time something holds me back I learn more information about the process and the structure of the line endures a little tune-up. Walked in "REIGN" boutique on labor day with my "prototype hat" on and got instant praise as I hit the door....."DOPE HAT" he said. First public opinion from someone that I would definitely like to impress turns out quite nice. INTERVIEW OF REIGN BOUTIQUE COMING VERY SOON, STAY TUNED.
So far from where I started out, but so far from where I want to be
In the back of my mind I hear my momma say........
~Cruising through these waves of the internet lately I have seen somethings that have sparked great ideas for my line, not fashion wise but the set-up of how I want to showcase my line. You bloggers shouldn't be proud of yourselves because its the negative things that gave me these thoughts....stay tuned, more dissimilar thoughts coming soon~
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