In only it's second season, SVPERB is making a big statement in the streetwear game. This brand is here to stay and has a bright future ahead. After speaking with the owner/creator I can say the guy is very business savvy and has a clear vision of what he wants and will do with his line from here on out. I had a chance to get my hands on some items from the first season and I can say I was very satisfied, so either meet or beat me here to grab some items from below....
Today I would like to introduce you guys to OUTASIGHT.
He has talent.....Richard Andrew born and raised in Yonkers, New York Outasight is a hard working artist who has been grinding for some years just to get his true chance at glory. I mean he has been noted on various blogs from nah right to okayplayer. He has been mentioned in magazines such as XXL and Urb, and also graced the front pages of Myspace Music. So why haven't you heard of him yet, I don't know what took me so long to get wind of this guy. He tries to explain it in the video below, check it out and tell me what you think. Success doesn't just happen over night, which makes it just that much sweeter when you reach it. His style is his own, I can't really explain it rapping but singing welll ummm singing but rapping I don't know it just sounds really good to me. Something to chill or ride to, I am anxious to see what he does over at Asylum/Warner Music "From here to Eternity" coming soon
If you are reading this post I know you notice the new Blog Header, pretty DOPE huh? Well all PROPS and THANKS are giving to SHADE over at EIGHTY-VII.COM this young lady is mad talented. A 22 year old aspiring Graphic Designer who work you haven't seen the last of just yet, I'm sure you will be seeing a lot more of this young lady in the future. Who knows maybe in collaboration with a clothing company I know a lil about ((cough, cough)). When you get finish browsing around here make sure you drop by her spot and check out her blog. Very interesting opinions on ALBUM COVERS and all sorts of good stuff. What are you waiting for you aren't doing anything, its easy just click the hot link above. "All of that last line was supposed to be read as if I was talking in the voice of the EVEREST commercial" LOL. I posted a few of my favorite graphics from her below, all come second to my piece above though. THANKS AGAIN SHADE....THANKS AGAIN SHADE
Asics have been dropping some pretty dope colorways as of late, I'm pretty partial to the black and gold but hey who's against those colors together. The Grey accent just gives it that much more flava. Mesh and Leather, Mesh and Leather killa combo in itself I must say again Mesh and Leather. I have a few fitteds I could rock with these joints what about you? If you are wondering you can find these right now over at Schuh-you.
Name - Rosa Acosta Birthplace - Dominican Republic Height - 5'5" Measurements - 34-24-37
Rosa is probably the first model that has gotten their start from being a phenomenal stretcher, you heard me right she has crazy flexibility as you can see from the last pic also over at her website. She started her classic ballet at the tender age of 4, Mom never knew that pre-practice stretching would get her daughter into the spotlight but none-the-less we THANKYA yes we do. After graduating with honors from the ICA and the Ballet School of Norma Garcia with a Bachelor in Art with mention to Classic Ballet, she became part of the Dominican Nacional Ballet as the youngest soloist member in 2002. Rosa moves to United States in 2006 where her career takes a new turn, distinguishing herself in several areas of the modeling world, featuring in magazines, radio, tv programs and commercials and numerous music videos. She was the only thing worth watching in that "Best I ever has video" as a video it was a FAIL, as introduction to the world it was an SUCCESS. To the mother of Ms. Acosta we here at Dissimilar Lifestyle would like to say THANKYA MA'AM.
My plan is to hit you over the head with thought provoking graphics and messages that forces you to have an OPINION about what you are looking at. Fashion with a message that puts your mind to work. Dissimilar Clothing " A dIfFrEnT sTaTe Of MiNd"
An atom is the basic unit of matter, the concept of an atom is that it's an indivisible component. I feel as if an OPINION or a PLAN is the basic unit of Success, with that being said -Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor ponder on that.
Not exactly sure what caught my eye first maybe the Strap, not sure from the unorthodox shape to the Baseball stitching this 5 panel is right up my alley. Wouldn't mind giving that Grey one a try. From Japan's Hectic Company here are some Wool and Alpaca blend caps to turn a few heads. If you read Japanese then here is the perfect site for you hahaha realmadHECTIC
So this week I had the opportunity to see two of my favorite new artist, their songs are in constant rotation blasting through my speakers, Mike Posner and Big Sean. I wasn't even expecting the bonus I got with the show opener PAZ. Paz is a singer/ Guitar player/ cool dude, with catchy tunes to keep the crowds attention. He had an interesting way of getting the crowds attention which instantly made me think of the band from the movie "Hangover" where he covers popular Rap/R&B songs and mixes them with his own music. Check out a clip from his blog below WhoisPaz, he friend Jessie is also nice on the keys check them out.
Gold Digger Cover x Halo Theme Song
Now tell me that doesn't remind you of this clip...sidenote if you haven't seen this movie yet, get off my blog now and go watch
Between each cover he would throw in an original and they were just as catchy and cool as the one before. May have the best remix to Empire State of Mind that I have heard yet REAL TALK. This isn't the last of this guy you will be hearing about I'm sure. Keep it up Paz you have earned a new fan.
On to the Main Event...these guys showed up and showed out just like I knew they would. The show was full of energy and crowd participation...jumping...signing along...they made sure the crowd had a good time.
So just as Mike comes out to the stage the most predictable thing happens...of course, my camera turns off....DANG IT....but no problem I turned to the camera phone when I thought it was picture time. The show was fun, I had great position can't say seats because we were standing and overall I was pleased. Continue to support these up and coming artist, if they hit your town buy a ticket or two I did...
Mike even blessed us with a new track...I didn't receive this one on my One Foot out the Door download....
You have to give props where props are due, young guy trying to make a name for himself. Yeah maybe he got an edge on the rest of the world because of his family, but so... he taking his advantages and putting it to work. Not only is he working on a clothing line, but he also started his own Blog where he created a buzz for his music career. His idea, his dad idea, his management's idea...who gives a phuck GREAT idea. Well his mixtape dropped today and if you give it a try I promise it just might catch you off guard.
A few years from now, diggy might be more than just your favorite lil Simmons. He might be one of your favorite artist. Hey it can happen, (in the voice of the lil guy from "Angels in the Outfield"
Well its me Mr. Dissimilar himself, the guy who thinks every one is entitled to their own (O-Pen-Yawn) no matter how right or wrong they may be.~LOL~ I am attracted to nice things: from shoes, hats, coats, to music. I like what I like and can care less if you think its cool. Phuck wit me